Groove a Straight-Through Swing-Path with the New Slot It Golf Swing-Trainer. Use Red Poles for Irons and Black Poles for Woods.

Hit it straighter and cleaner with the correct swing-path and angle-of-attack.

"Best in Class Patented Driver, Woods and Irons Design."


Video: Learn more and see the swing-trainer in use

Video: Create a Better Straight-through Driver Swing with the Black Poles

Feedback from using the Black Poles will help you groove a better on-plane swing

Create a better Driver Swing with the Slot It Golf Swing Trainer

The Red Poles will help you find the perfect Slot for your arms and club to swing in

Irons-Only Base & Poles Swing-Trainers are Outdated. Slot It's Patented Driver, Woods, Irons Design supersedes them

Amazon Customer Feedback on the New, Slot It Golf Swing Trainer - Including a Review from a past Speed Trap user


100% Money Back Guarantee

This trainer is well made, strong, and with practice, will help you groove a better swing path and golf swing.  To ease any concerns you may have, if you purchase and you are not a fan of your Slot It Golf Swing Trainer, contact us, request a refund, ship the trainer back to us and we will refund you your money. 

Use the contact form if you'd like to ask a question. 


Anthony Procopis - Slot It Golf Creator